1. Select a film and speaker
  2. Scheduling, fees & contracts
  3. Share your event schedule and details
  4. Encourage attendance & engage your community
1. Select a film and speaker for your virtual event

We have speakers available for most of our films. You can browse the GOOD TALK speaker topics, or contact us for suggested speakers with expertise in a specific subject area. GOOD TALKS are typically post-screening Q&As or panel discussions moderated by faculty, staff, or students at your institution. If you are interested in a keynote presentation, guest lecture, classroom workshop, or a different type of presentation, we are sometimes able to arrange this for a larger speaker fee. If you need to preview a film, you may request a free preview link here.

2. Scheduling, fees & contracts

Once you have identified the GOOD TALKS speaker you’d like to book, we will share information about costs. We will also help confirm the speaker's availability and provide you with our standard contract and invoice. We are able to provide any paperwork or vendor registration you need from us. GOOD DOCS receives speaker fees and screening fees on behalf of our films and speakers, so you will not be paying speakers directly for GOOD TALKS.

Speaking Honorarium - Honorarium will vary depending on the speaker and whether your event is virtual or in-person. We will share this information with you.

Film license options - In addition to the honorarium, we charge a screening fee that will be based on the kind of screening you are doing, and the type of organization you are with. See our FAQs for our different film license options and our streaming policies, or contact us so that we can help you determine which license applies to your situation. Most groups will opt for our temporary streaming license for screening events.

Processing fee - In most cases, we charge a $100 processing fee to cover GOOD DOCS’ costs for coordinating the event.

Travel & Lodging - If you are bringing a speaker to your in-person event, we request that you cover travel and lodging expenses.

Requesting discounted fees - We do our best to accommodate different budgets. Let us know if you have limitations.

Contract - We will send you a contract with the event details and our policies to sign. If your institution has its own required contract, we can use this instead.

Vendor registration, W9 and other forms - GOOD DOCS will provide any needed documentation your institution requires.

Invoice - GOOD DOCS will provide an invoice by email. Payment can be made by check, credit card, or ACH transfer. We request that you send payment within 30 days following the GOOD TALK.

3. Share your event details

Please provide a “run of show” schedule and details about the GOOD TALK event at least two weeks in advance with the following information:

  • How and when will attendees be viewing the film (directly before the GOOD TALK? In the two weeks leading up to the GOOD TALK?)
  • Who will be attending the event and what is the educational context?
  • If you are planning a virtual event, will you require a tech check-in with the speaker before the GOOD TALK to ensure that audio, internet, etc. is working?
  • If your event is in-person, please ensure that all travel arrangements, maps/directions, and contact information have been shared.
  • Names and contact information for the event moderator.
  • If possible, please specify in the schedule the length of time dedicated to each component of the GOOD TALK.


7:00 - Moderator introduces film and speaker

7:05 - Moderator asks prepared questions

7:35 - Moderator brings in audience questions

7:50 - Final parting thoughts

4. Encourage attendance & engage your community

We recommend that you plan your event far enough in advance so that you can adequately promote it to ensure a good turn-out. We will send you publicity materials  you can use to create and circulate flyers, posters, and social media posts. Please note that GOOD DOCS does not promote GOOD TALKS or film screenings on behalf of organizations.

Best Practices:

  • If you are at a college campus, ask professors in other departments to make the film screening a part of their own classwork and suggest providing extra credit to students who attend, or making attendance required.
  • If applicable, consider reaching out to student organizations, affinity groups, or community organizations to be involved or cross-promote your event.
  • Reach out to your school or community’s paper, radio station, or magazines to help promote the event.
  • Create an event page (on Facebook or your school’s web portal) and share it with relevant organizations.
  • Utilize any email lists you may have!